1·This is portable pump with strong suction and medium head doss, equiped with extraordinary hair collector;
2·The unit shall be field convertible to a portable pump by means of removal of the guide bracket from the pump volute, without modification.
3·A portable pump for treatment into the veins is now available. This pump makes sure the prescribed dosage of medicine is given over the correct time period.
4·But don't we have a portable air pump?
5·The ChemGrout model CG-050 is a portable, skid mounted, air or hydraulic powered grout pump.
6·Packaged with a convenient pump that locks for safe travel— it's perfectly portable!
7·The centrifugal pump and the petro motor (or electric motor) are both arranged a portable stander. The utility model has simple structure, high working efficiency and low auxiliary power.
8·It's ultra-light and sheer, making it ideal for use on the face and can easily double as a morning moisturizer. Packaged with a convenient pump that locks for safe travel— it's perfectly portable!
9·The GC-series pump can be used in conjunction with an internal combustion engine for portable transfer applications.
10·High pressure cleaning pump High pressure cleaning pump, portable or stationary, has two kind of transition devices: transmitting belt or inner-placed gear box.